Energy Series® Chain is designed for high speed and high shock load applications. This chain is built to deliver reliable power and performance to meet the constant heavy demands of the oil and gas industry.

  • Stronger pins for longer chain life
  • Ballized holes for improved fatigue strength
  • Shot peened link plates for maximum strength
  • Bushings and rollers that last longer
  • Factory applied hot-dip lube penetrates deeper
  • Unique Z-cotter design

Z-cotters hold tight, minimizing vibration and maximizing fatigue life, yet they're easy to assemble/disassemble in the field
Unidade de medida


N/A 120

Chain Pitch_SYN

N/A 1.500 pol.


N/A 0.980 pol.


N/A 1.138 pol.

Pin Overall Length_SYN

N/A 2.118 pol.

Pin Diameter_SYN

N/A 0.437 pol.

Roller Diameter_SYN

N/A 0.875 pol.
Inside Width_SYN1 N/A 1.000 pol.

h – Placa de conexão

N/A 1.228 pol.

Link Plate Height_SYN

N/A 1.425 pol.

Link Plate Thickness_SYN

N/A 0.187 pol.

Resistência média à tração

N/A 39700 lb


N/A Simples
  • 1 A largura entre as placas de conexão do rolo (W) é um pouco menor do que no padrão ANSI, mas essa corrente é operada com rodas dentadas padrão.
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